
Power Automate and Power BI give those of us with the abilities to use them a toolset to create powerful customizations for our organizations. But just because we can, should we? Are there better uses of our time? Will our successors be able to support and update the customizations? And if we do proceed, how can we do so thoughtfully to ensure the ongoing use and success of our work?

Just Because You Can, Does It Mean You Should? Evaluating When to Build a Customization and Proceeding Thoughtfully
Date & Time
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Bill Connors Ellen Smith Robb Hampton
June 6
Session Type
Panel Discussion
Blackbaud CRM, Raiser’s Edge NXT, Financial Edge NXT, Blackbaud Grantmaking, Altru, Luminate Online, TeamRaiser, Blackbaud Education Management, Payments, Online Giving, JustGiving, Microsoft Power Platform, SKY Add-ins, SKY API, SKY UX, Adaptive Cards, BBIS
Competencies and Skills