HImal Patel
Job Title
Lead Architect
Speaker Bio
Himal Patel has 18+ years of commercial experience in Cloud Software Solutions Design, Development, Testing, CI CD pipelines, Azure DevOps, Support and Maintenance including 15 years in full stack development using C#/.NET/.NET Core/Angular. Himal has led the architecture and platform team at PairSoft for 14+ years primarily working on PaperSave an enterprise document management, electronic workflow and invoice automation solution. Himal places a strong emphasis on service-orientations, workflows, agile methodologies and processes, the web and data access. He knows countless programming languages and frameworks. Himal lives in Sydney, Australia together with his wife, mother and two beautiful children.
Speaking At
Global Partner Day | Part 2
PairSoft's Incredible Journey from Plug-in to Blackbaud SKY®